Friday, April 24, 2015

How many times in the last year have the Corporations called (wolf) each time the people don't take action or the Government.

How many times in the last year have the Corporations called (wolf) each time the people don't take action or the Government. First it was the oil as it was going down good for the poor and working class.Then then as of the moment it is ice cream now chickens. this wolf tacktick has been played out someone else has to see this system that they use it started back during the Reaganomics, then to the Clintonomics, and now the Obamanomics with the largest hand off ever TPP to the other Countries for they will kill our ice cream and chickens and let China or a third world country with no regulation water feed hormones.when are we going to open our eyes people of the world.People\Human standards.

Sunday, April 19, 2015


Otherwise known as Societies who evolve.OK get it rite it is not the Big Corps that pays taxes it is the poor and working class. if they sell A service or product then you the customer pays the tax at the end of year and beginning of the new year they deduct your taxes from sales or service and employees taxes even though they had taken them out of your check.then in return they apply for A business subside of up to 2 billion dollars then if their product is made lets say one of the third world countries. WOW big break. you as A American citizen is on their way to the bottom.OK Congress and Supreme courts lets get this straight. we can use our own Judgment we do not always have to follow A piece of paper from another time and age. and is totally irrelevant to our generation at this moment.OK to get to my point of the day. Look if you think about Church and state, it should not have been written in the form it was or preach in the halls of our Government, it should have been written in the way of Religious cultures, otherwise known as cults all religions. because Governments are not to be lead around by the nose of any religious cult of followers.Governments are to the father and protector of all people whether the person has a Religion or not or if the person is black or white or of physical or mental disabilities all people of that Country must be treated the same so our whole system has to be changed to a different system.Sunday, November 24, 2013 People\Human Standards Starts with the concept of equality starting at the middle, and the middle being the poor and working class.This means that then we have to have A Standard to go by,The Standards have to be by A Legislative branch. In the United States this would be The Congress because the Congress Makes the Laws for wages,So that being said, Then the wage should be set the same as Congress,This means that the person on the street who is without home and food and the essentials of life.This means the Disabled, This means the 18 year old person, man or woman.And any person to any age even if they are 115 years old. OK example $174,000.00 minus taxes minus health care minus education and any other fundamental right to humanity and evolution as A society.This means then we have to have A banking system,That would be in the United States the Treasury, Now the standard for this Bank would be People\Humans.Because People as A Value is unlimited,This means that the Bank is infinity.Always evolving as A society.Each person in this Country is of the standard put forth. That means the highest of the executive of Government the highest executive of business and all the way to the poorest, This meaning that it being the middle and the starting point.And having society Starting from there and going forward.OK everyone is now making from top executive's to poorest $174,000.00 same as Congress,minus Federal, state,Local taxes, minus Health care,minus Education tax, Any monies people have or people make over this $174,000.00 will be classified as business and taxed the same as People,Now how are the people going to be paid. Then we Have to have A source for accounting for each individual.And That Accounting source in America would be Internal Revenue Service.The Internal Revenue would be responsible for Cards made for each individual, Their children, Their spouse,Tying them together or individually if separated,These cards can only be used for Legitimate Business or products and or service. Now what this concept does is helps the Government to be more efficient it will pay all employees from top executives in the Government to the lowest paid contractor and all other people the same pay making it equal and efficient. This concept puts all people in an energy efficient home saving power, puts all people in an energy efficient vehicle saving on resources, It puts all people in the higher education to move the society into the future and putting people on the same level. it Puts all people in health care working towards eliminating any disease that would enter the society.It takes out Corruption in all issues because the people can't buy illegitimate products or service. This concept can be used for any Country and recommended to be used to make the whole world as one Society.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

What the elite don't pay

OK get it rite it is not the Big Corps that pays taxes it is the poor and working class. if they sell A service or product then you the customer pays the tax at the end of year and beginning of the next they deduct your taxes from sales or service and employees taxes even though they had taken them out of your check.then in return they apply for A business subsidy of up to 2 billion dollars then if their product is made lets say one of the third world countries. WOW big break. you as A American citizen is on their way to the bottom.