Wednesday, November 27, 2013

People\Human Standards VS ,Greed ,Selfishness ,Jealousy, and ,competitiveness

People\Human Standards VS ,Greed ,Selfishness ,Jealousy, and ,competitiveness People\Human standards is valued by people each individual being of unlimited value. not values of greed, selfishness, jealousy, and competitiveness,The thing about these four type values are they are of productivity or Service without the consideration of Humanity except for the labor force. Greed is A hierarchy of humans and pyramiding down to the less of society,does not work for A civil society,leaves people without, and inequality then starts to show.Selfishness is considered one part of Greed because the hierarchy tends to hold all of the products or service or materials which starts to make A unrealistic social society as one Country, which the people are not reimbursed for the natural materials to make the products instead of sharing to make A more social society .If the Government of the country only feeds the greed and does not feed the people the same amount the greed takes over in that society and leaves the people to slave for that greed (inequality) Less educated easy to manipulate keeps A lesser standard for people(inequality. Which comes to the point of Jealousy and Competitiveness, This being said forces the people of the lesser to be jealous,then the innovations of those knowledgeable people,(The lessers) are stolen from the lesser and used without payment or recognition and made by the hierarchy to excel with that persons innovation, This is A part of Competitiveness, it makes the lesser fight for the job and use of their innovation or knowledge to make more greed for the hierarchy which puts us back in the pyramid system again. This has happened down thru the 100 years of industrial and technological industry many times no more so than years from 1990's to 2014. Now the difference between people\human standards vs the four values of society, first there is no greed because everyone is paid the same.First we have to have A bank, in the US the bank being the (Treasury) instead of feeding the hierarchy it is feeding the people and not the greed,selfishness, jealousy,competitiveness, by everyone being paid equally from the highest of hierarchy to the person who has suffered the most over the 100 years,This being said there has to be A limit of wage amount being set forth by the Congress since Congress makes the wage laws then it should be the same wage as Congress. This amount has shown up A lot in the media lately and is around $174,000.oo A year.Now everyone is being paid the same,From the highest of hierarchy to the most who have suffered the most.All people 18 years old to the oldest person even being of 100 years old or older.Now we have taxes to make our Government A more social society and revenue to innovate infrastructure to the future for all people not just the chosen few, treating all people the same(equality)easier to tax all people the same, Now anyone who has more than $174,000.00 is considered A business and taxed the same as people this makes A fair and civil society.Now all people are paid the same and taxed the same,If A person wants to start A business then they can apply to the Treasury as long as that business is to make A more social environment. And will not do harm to the society in any way. This was the concept at one time in history of America but we went the route of greed. Now that being said there has to be A banker the banker being the I.R.S. in America.The responsibility of the to control what the people can purchase of products and service thru A card given from Treasury to all people from childhood to death with their own ID# now if there is A company that is not legitimate then the card wont work, meaning this card will not be able to purchase stolen, black market, ilegitimate products or service of any kind that is not registered with the Treasury. Now then there is the overseers of the card and revenue of the people and business being the state banks the local banks all banks even being of the larger banks they will be in charge of the people's and business revenue's this will be easier to account for I.R.S and Treasury. This will eliminate corruption in A Countries society,This Concept can be used in any County,and makes it A more social world when no one can corrupt that society all people can travel this world if there is no revenue to purchase harmful materials too humans.

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